Why I got stuck When I speak in English? - Self Realization
I always stuck when I start to speak in english. I will stop at some point or I will break the sentence and start to think. So what's the problem on me?
I always wonder how and why I speak in Tamil so fluently? It’s because I think and feel in Tamil. I simply listen to what people around me speak.
Now, when I talk in English, I start translating my native language to English in my mind. It’s a very hectic process for my brain. This is what I need to stop doing and instead of translating, start feeling and thinking in English.
It’s all about your mindset. I need to set your mind on ‘Stop translating and start feeling’. Tell my mind not to translate and instead start feeling English the way I feel Tamil.
We all know that we have a monkey mind that keeps on talking in our head. It is a person inside you and with that person, you’re always having a conversation in your language. Maybe you’re doing all your conversations with your monkey friend in Tamil right now. You need to start doing it in English. And at this stage don’t worry about making mistakes or correcting grammar, etc. Remember do it like kids. Maybe you speak wrong English but don’t worry about it. There are many ways to correct and improve it once your mind is set.
When you speak your mind coordination should be sync with your tongue coordination If you think fast then you have to speak fast otherwise you will get stuck. so Be cool while speak in English.
So, by doing your chit chat in English with your monkey mind, you are creating the right environment for your brain to learn English.
Improving your English communication is just like how you take on your fitness program, where you need intense focus and positive mindset to stay fit and get the physique you want. Learning to speak English fluently can’t be done in one day. It takes time and requires regular practice.
Just don’t give up, be consistent and keep practicing it every day.!
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